Like many businesses over the last few weeks the decision was made to close the doors of both our Clerkenwell shop and Battersea studio. After 12 years in business this was an extremely tough decision for both Leanne and Andy but it wasn’t time for us to shut up just yet. Already known for our random acts of kindness campaigns, we decided that if anyone needed some appreciation and a pick me up with a little flower power then it was most definitely those working hard on the frontline.
As florists, the last few weeks have been heart breaking watching the huge amount of flowers in Holland being burnt due to the quick reduction in supply; so we contacted our Dutch supplier and the growers and decided to put some of those flowers to good use.
After a number of generous donations we had a huge selection of flowers at our studio that needed a home, including 50,000 stems of Roses, 20,000 Tulips and 5,000 hydrangeas, that we are proud to have saved and were able to use for this incredible cause. Our hope was to shine some light and say a huge thank you to our NHS who are working incredibly hard during these unprecedented and incredibly difficult circumstances.” We know how flowers can really help uplift your mood and it was our way of saying thank you and spreading the Love. We were overwhelmed with the incredible response and thanks that poured in, and it proved how such a small gesture could mean so much …. a true testament to the POWER OF FLOWERS.
Our team worked hard over 3 days creating colourful posies to bring a moment of joy to our invaluable NHS staff. Over this time we managed to deliver around 2000 posy bouquets to six London hospitals including St. Thomas’s, Chelsea and Westminster, and Lambeth Hospital.
We were very proud to be mentioned as a High St Hereo by YOU Magazine in the Mail on Sunday.
It was a humbling task and one which we are so incredibly proud to have pioneered.
Thank you NHS x
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